Patreon:​​ Discord:​​ Twitter:​​ Blog: Failure is always an option here at the NCommander Hack Labs, but sometimes, I get an idea so bad, the only way I can exercise it is to try it. This where I had the idea of trying to build a Windows to Solaris 7 cross-compiler. Honestly, this is a bad idea on so many levels, but I honestly just need to try it. In this case, I'm taking a page from neozeed of VirtuallyFun fame, and trying to make a weird cross-compiler from Windows 10, to a platform 22 years its junior. This probably a very bad idea, but lets' go. We're going to be using Binutils 2.21, GCC 4.5, and as much duck tape as it takes to make it happen. Failure is very much an option, so fingers crossed, we'll end up with something very nifty. If not, maybe we'll end up with everything in tears. Either way, we'll have fun doing it. Building a cross-compiler involves having a native compiler (which comes from MSYS in this case), locating the core system files for Solaris 7, and hoping the amount of duct tape that we're keeps the entire system in one piece. #solaris #windows #crosscompiling 0:00 Stream starts 4:15 MSYS2 Setup 9:50 Grabbing 7zip, GCC and Binutils 14:50 Setup Workspace 17:00 Getting Sysroot 30:25 Installing WSL 36:55 Cygwin Setup 41:00 Configuring and Building Binutils #1 1:09:00 Configuring GCC for C Attempt #1 - Configured In The Root Directory 1:15:00 Configuring GCC for C Attempt #2 - Forgot Sysroot and Setting --enable-threads To Solaris 1:16:00 Trying to make a radioactive Windows 10 1:17:52 Building GCC for C Attempt #1 1:33:45 "Patching" textinfo 1:35:25 Configuring GCC for C Attempt #3 - Building GCC for C Attempt #2 1:59:40 Patching fix include files #1 2:19:23 Patching fix include files #2 3:22:00 Setting Cygwin Workspace and Sysroot Setup 3:27:19 Configuring and Building Binutils #2 3:29:00 No Make 3:37:31 Path Problems 3:39:50 Configuring GCC for C Attempt #4 3:44:30 Building GCC for C Attempt #3 4:24:11 Patching pthreads 4:26:00 Rebuild Sysroot 4:30:00 GCC for C Build Complete 4:35:20 C Cross-compiler works 4:36:05 Configuring GCC for C, C++ and Fortan Attempt #1 4:37:30 Building GCC for C, C++ and Fortan Attempt #1 4:40:07 Fixing automatic code generation files 4:58:38 Internal Compiler Error: Segmentation Fault 5:11:32 Testing and Build Cross Compiler in Linux 5:45:38 Segfault Continues 5:46:30 Compiling Native GCC Attempt #1 5:51:46 Install x86 Cygwin GCC and Downgrade GCC 5:56:30 Compiling Native GCC Attempt #2 6:09:23 Analize RTL Named rtlanal.c 6:10:04 Reproducing ICE: Segfault 6:23:07 Undocumented GCC Switches and Precompiled Headers Shenanigans 6:27:10 Configuring GCC for C, C++ and Fortan Attempt #2 with Precompiled Headers Off 6:41:52 GCC for C, C++ and Fortan Compiled 6:44:00 Cross Compiling GCC using the Cross Compiler 6:46:13 Cross Compile GCC Dependencies 7:08:57 MPC Failed To Build - Switching To Another Version 7:11:28 Start Cross Compiling Binutils 7:18:25 Start Cross Compiling GCC 7:24:25 autobuild.h Failed 7:40:24 Recross Compiling GCC Attempt #1 7:53:32 Multilib is compiled and has AMD64 support 7:59:53 Recross Compiling GCC Attempt #2 8:04:23 Undocumented GCC Switches #2 - Recross Compiling GCC Attempt #3 8:11:13 Multilib is compiled and has AMD64 support Again 8:14:23 Crossbuilding Continues 8:15:21 Multilib is compiled and has AMD64 support Again (Again) 8:18:48 Crossbuilding Continues Again (after failing to copy and paste) 8:20:48 Further Debuging 8:21:50 Fixed Makefile 8:25:08 Makefile Fixed Failed 8:31:57 Crossbuilding Continues Again (Again) with Handholding 8:36:24 Libtool Was The Culpit 8:40:07 Fixed Stamp 8:42:01 Fixed Stamp For Real 8:44:20 Cave Johnson Here 8:45:16 Cave Johnson Lemons 8:49:57 Welcome To NCommander Laboratories 8:52:35 Crosscompiled GCC Complete And Installs It Into The Cross Compiler Directory 8:56:00 Rebuiling the Cross Compiler 9:09:09 HTOP Numbers 9:11:10 Hacker Rants Preview 9:21:53 Cross Compiler Recompiled and Installed 9:22:24 Recrosscompiling Native GCC 9:53:44 Native GCC Recrosscompiled and Installed 9:55:53 Crosscompiling Nethack 10:16:33 The First Sign Of A Cult 10:22:23 10:28:53 Presenting To the Emergency Room 10:29:46 Myst Lore 10:37:27 Twitch -s/-ies blank 10:39:00 Nethack Has Compiled 10:49:45 Nethack Has Installed 10:52:18 Crosscompiling SDL And Doom 11:04:18 Crosscompiling LxDoom (SDL Not Found) 11:35:40 Playing Doom 11:42:10 Itanium Spoiler